Blowing Tone

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Very simply put, proper blowing involves the constant, appropriate supply of air to all the reeds. This incorporates exhaling (blowing) into the bag and maintaining a constant bag pressure during and between breaths. This constant bag pressure is maintained by squeezing the bag gently with the arm while inhaling and decreasing the arm pressure while exhaling into the bag. This takes considerable practice and perseverance. Your ability to maintain steady bag pressure can best be measured by listening to your drones. They will react to the slightest changes in air supply by falling in and out of tune. With practice and good instruction, you will master the technique and steady blowing will become second nature to you.

Inexperienced pipers should master steady blowing by playing the slowest of tunes that they know and listening to their drones. In order to better focus their attention, they may wish to turn off one or two drones and listen intently to the remaining drone or drones. The piper should be comfortable with the feel of the bagpipe. There should be no conspicuous heaving, rocking, swaying, or bellowing of the bag arm. A great deal of practice, with the emphasis on steady blowing and not on playing tunes, is necessary to master blowing. The key…..listen.

These sound files (right) were recorded in Nobel Victory Memorial Chapel at SJNMA using one of the first Sony mini-disc recorders manufactured.  I held onto the long notes excessively long to demonstrate steady blowing.  I played my silver & ivory Bowen Classic with a MacLellan chanter.  The 4/4 is a tune I wrote called “Olivia” named for step-brother Mike Szarka’s daughter.

The second recording is with my MacLellan Millennium #6. It is an exceptional horn that has received high praise over the years. The first sound file is Bob Worral’s beautiful 12/8, “Return from Glengarry”. It’s one of my favorites. The third sound file is a tune that I wrote and named for Jack Dunbar. It was getting toward the end of his years and he mentioned that he’d like to have a tune to be remembered by. We were both honored when Bruce Gandy published it in his first book of tunes.

The forth recording is with Dave Atheton’s first “Duncan MacDougall” bagpipe. I was honored when Dave asked me to play it. The tune is Shohanna’s Lullaby, a tune we played at NRP in 2001, I think.

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