The Average Piper

So, who are these people in kilts doing parades and performances for the general public? Where do they come from? What do they do? What are their stories? Are they teachers? Lawyers? Truck drivers? Grandfathers and Grandmothers? Just who is an “average piper?”

The Average Piper plays music that is familiar to the general public. Tunes like Scotland the Brave, The Green Hills of Tyrol, Amazing Grace, etc. Most took up the instrument as a hobby later in life and were taught by others of the same ilk. Some may have competed earlier in life. Some still do.

The Average Piper lives in every corner of the world and is an important ambassador for the music, the instrument, and the Scottish culture. His or her circumstances are such that they are most likely a lifetime “Average Piper” and that’s not a bad thing. This is not something they do for the glory of winning prizes, but for the love of the music, the instrument, and their audience.

It is because of these dedicated players that we are launching a series of posts designed to open a conversation, share ideas, and offer a few bits of advice. The intention is for everyone to become better at their craft, their learning, and their teaching.

So, keep an eye out! Here we go!

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